E911 for Avaya IP Telephony
911 Enable offers industry-leading E911 solutions that are tightly integrated with Avaya’s latest technologies
911 Enable delivers the most comprehensive and reliable E911 solutions for Avaya IP telephony. These solutions help organizations simplify E911 management, reduce infrastructure costs, and meet state and local E911 legislation.
As a Gold member of the DevConnect program, 911 Enable’s products and services have been rigorously tested and are certified by Avaya to seamlessly integrate with their IP telephony platforms. 911 Enable has a proven track record of implementing its best-in-class E911 solutions to help address Avaya customers’ business needs.
911 Enable’s solution was simple and easy to set-up. Their knowledgeable and accessible professional services team went the extra mile to get our E911 solution operational within budget and in the shortest time frame possible.
Dave Ochoa
Telecommunications Administrator, Invensys Wonderware
Solution Highlights
- Automatic discovery of IP phones, softphones, and wireless phones
- On-site security desk routing and notification
- 911 caller identification down to the building, floor, and room level
- E911 support for employees in all workspaces, including on the main campus, at branch offices, or working remotely
- E911 connectivity to over 6,000 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) across the US and Canada
- Certified with Avaya Aura Communication Manager 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x
- Certified with Avaya Aura Session Manager 6.x
- E911 call routing service certified with Avaya IP Office 5.x and above
Avaya Related Resources
- Solution Briefs
- Webinar
- Success Stories
- Avaya DevConnect Resources
- Press Releases
- December 6, 2010 – 911 Enable Announces E911 Solution Compliant with Avaya Aura™ Session Manager
- June 22, 2010 – E911 Solution Compliant with Avaya Aura™
- February 1, 2010 – 911 Enable Announces First E911 Softphone Discovery Solution for Avaya
- January 27, 2010 – Avaya Certifies E911 Solution with Its IP Office System
- July 14, 2009 – E911 Support Now Available for Avaya SIP Phones
- August 15, 2007 – 911 Enable Solutions Now Rated “Avaya Compliant”
- March 28, 2007 – 911 Enable Selected for Membership in Avaya DeveloperConnection Program

Feature Briefs
Data Sheets
- Emergency Gateway
- Emergency Routing Service for the US
- Emergency Routing Service for Canada
- Desk Alert
- E911 Call Flow for Enterprises
Additional Resources
- Top 10 Reasons Businesses Choose 911 Enable
- E911 Softphone Locator Brochure
- E911 State Legislation
Technology Partners